Highlights from QV1!

With our inaugural year now done, here are some of the things we loved the most from the event.

Q-CTF Winners

We held the World's First Quantum Capture the Flag event, and it was a huge success! There were submissions every hour for the 48hrs it ran, and here are the five winners:

  1. Porter Adams, AKA @cyber_porter
  2. randomuser42
  3. @_capt8bit
  4. Reptillicus
  5. windex

What is most impressive to the organisers is that only one of the top 5 had ever studied quantum information and algorithms before! This is huge evidence that Quantum Hackers are out there in need of a Quantum Village to come together!

Quantum Talks!

Whilst there have been other talks on quantum at DEF CON over the years, we were so very pleased to provide a dedicated track of quantum hackery to the participants of Quantum Village!

If you'd like to see the talks and bask in the wonder of their quantum information, here is our...

Playlist: QV1 @ DEF CON 30
